You hear a voice, a light alto... "Welcome!"
You look around, and see a graceful silver dragon, lying on a stone couch. Her elegantly shaped narrow head peers down at you from atop her long, slender sinnowy neck. Huge gilded silver wings rustle as she settles them across her back, and as she lowers her head to peer at you, her long, pointy spinal ridges become visible. She smiles, a toothy draconic smile, at your awe. As your attention drifts from her, you see several much smaller dragons perched on her spinal ridges.
Noticing your interest, she begins introductions. "This is
Rano, this is Cherub
, this is my little female,
Terra, and this
is Edgar. They are firelizards, and they will be your guides, along with others, through my lairs.
"This is how I get around to my many lairs. All you have to do is jump in the pool, and you will be transported to where you wish to go. I will tell you a little about each lair, to help you decide where to go. Remember, you can always come back.
My lair among other dragons.
This is one of my lairs among many other dragons. The world is known as Alfandria, and it contains an archive of my friends' pictures.
The Pirates of Dark WaterOk,there are no dragons here. Rano
will accompany and guide you through the watery realm of Mer.
Pern Pern is the home of the firelizards, as well as dragons and their riders. Officially, thee are no silver dragons in Pern, so little Terra
will accompany you.
The Realm of Final Fantasy 6 This is the home of the heroes of light, from what you would call a videogame. Cherub
will accompany and keep you out of trouble here.
Star Trek: Voyager The Starship Voyager is a small ship, but very cosy, lost deep in space. Edgar
will accompany you, as I am FAR too large.
people have been flown in.
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